


Let the chance go by

Vi fick en kommentar som undrade om vi skulle ta in nya saker i butiken snart, och det är klart att vi vill det! Det skulle vara jättekul om någon av er hade några ideer eller något som ni har saknat hemma i Sverige (eller i något annat land för den delen) så ska vi göra vårt bästa för att fixa det. Vad som dock är planen är att köpa in jackor likt denna ovan i både grönt och kamouflage, är det något som skulle vara uppskattat?

We got a comment that asked when we would get new stuff into our shop, and of course we want to to as soon as possible! Would be great if any of you had any ideas about anything that you've been missing back in Sweden (or any other country for that matter) and we'll do our best to make it happen. What we have planned though is to get jackets like the one above in both green and camouflage, is that something that you guys would like?


  1. are you selling fake levis shorts in your shop?

    1. No we are not! All of our shorts are authentic but can sometimes look different depending on what year they were made :)

  2. Ok I just heard someone said it so I just wondered:)
