


Time to pretend

Sources; Song of style, Tuula

Detta är precis vad jag är sugen på just nu, dessa små ringar som sitter högre upp på fingret! Gillar speciellt dödskalleringen men kan tänka mig det mesta. Är det någon som vet var man kan få tag på dem, eller gäller det bara att hitta en ring man gillar och sen köpa en för liten storlek?

This is exactly what I'm craving right now, these rings that sits higher on your finger! Especially love the skull ring but I'll consider just about anything right now. Does anyone know where to get them, or is it as easy as to buy a ring you like in a smaller size?


  1. they sell them in topshop,i have one and they are called toe rings but i just wear mine on my finger and they do a couple of different styles including the skull

  2. great pics!
