


Smile like you mean it

Source; Fashiontoast

Jag älskar verkligen att få en inblick i folks hem, och speciellt folk i modebranschen då man ser om deras stil speglas i inredningen. Dessa bilder kommer från fashiontoast, och där kan jag med all säkerhet säga att jag älskar hennes inredningssmak lika mycket som hennes stil, fantastiskt.

I really love getting a peek into people's homes, and especially people in the fashion industry since you get to see if their style is reflected in the way they decorate their houses. These pictures are by fashiontoast, and I can safely say that I love her taste in interior design as much as her style in fashion. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I love the simplicity in her style.

    Love from London,

