


You heard that I was trouble

Source: Fashionsquad

Älskar Carolina Engmans vinröda byxor! Jag har ju flera par i garderoben efter ett antal månaders letande efter det perfekta paret och precis så här skulle jag vilja använda dem. Problemet är ju dock att jag varken har en vit fluffig jacka eller den där fantastiska clutchen signerad Kurt Geiger.

Loving Carolina Engmans burgundy trousers! By now I have a few pairs to choose from in my closet after a few moths of searching for the perfect pair and this is just the way I would like to wear them. The problem is only that I don't have a white fluffy jacket or that amazing clutch signed Kurt Geiger.

1 comment:

  1. You have moths in your closet ! Be careful for your knits and woolies ! Use tobbacco leaves or buy anti-moths things in your nearest supermarket!
    Good luck, Sandra.
